Advanced reports

CDN Cache Utilization

We provide reports of cache utilization of your static CDN services (CDN Static and CDN Static Push). The following aspects are measured.

  • CDN Cache Hits - Number of requests to your CDN service served directly from the CDN cache.
  • Origin Hits - Number of requests to your CDN service requiring pull from the origin server.
  • Cache Hit Ratio - Ratio CDN Cache Hits / (CDN Cache Hits + Origin Hits)

Please note that requests blocked by URL Signing , Password Protection , Country Access Policy , Hotlinking Policy , IP Access Policy or Block Crawlers are not counted into the cache utilization reports.

HTTP Status Codes

We provide reports of HTTP status codes of responses of your static CDN services (CDN Static and CDN Static Push). The following aspects are measured for your CDN service.

  • Number of 2xx status codes - Those status codes mean that the requests were successfully completed.
  • Number of 3xx status codes - Let's look at few examples.
    • 304 (Not Modified) - Means that your CDN content expired but the origin content was the same as in the CDN cache. In those cases we continue to cache your CDN content. In other words - everything is fine with those status codes.
    • 301 (Moved Permanently) - Means that the request was redirected to a different URL (in most cases to your origin). You should avoid redirecting to your origin because in those cases you are not using CDN. Usually the problem is caused by a permanent redirect on your origin server redirecting non www requests to www requests.
  • Number of 4xx status codes - Let's look at few examples.
  • Number of 5xx status codes - Those status codes are generated when there is a problem in communication between the origin server and the edge server. To minimize number of 5xx status codes we recommend to use CDN Static Push instead of CDN Static as our storage servers have premium connection to our edge servers.
  • 2xx Ratio - Ratio 2xx / (2xx + 3xx + 4xx + 5xx)

Please refer to Status Code Definitions or List of HTTP status codes for more details.

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