Setting an IP Access Policy - protect your CDN content


The IP Access Policy option of both CDN Static and CDN Static Push services gives you an option to protect your CDN content.

How To enable IP Access Policy

  • Go to the Services/Settings page.
  • Set the IP Access Policy option to:
    • None - any IP address can access the CDN service.
    • Allow by default - all IP addresses except IP addresses specified in the IP Addresses option can access the CDN service.
    • Block by default - only IP addresses from IP addresses specified in the IP Addresses option can access the CDN service.
  • Fill in IP Addresses related to the Policy above.

An example

Let's say that you want to allow access from only. To achieve it you have to select Disable by default and then fill in Please note that if you select "Allow by default" and then fill in "" then you allow access from all IP addresses except "".

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