Overview of CDN services


We provide a variety of CDN services which can be used for static asset acceleration such as website acceleration or software download acceleration, and for video on demand (VOD) streaming and live streaming. In the following we give a short overview of our CDN solutions.


  CDN Static Pull / Push CDN Video Pull / Push CDN HTTP Live CDN Live
Create CDN service Create / Create Create / Create Create Create
Available in all PoPs
In streaming PoPs
For static assets
For video on demand
For live streaming
SSL supported
Documentation Help Help Help Help


  • To read more about a particular CDN service please refer to its documentation (link in the comparison table).
  • If you are interested in video on demand streaming then please refer to Overview of CDN video on demand (VOD) streaming services.
  • If you are interested in live streaming then please refer to Overview of CDN live streaming services.
  • Please take a look at our CDN integrations.
  • The following explains what is a streaming PoP. On our network page you can see a list of all our CDN Locations (PoPs). All our CDN Locations support Nginx based HTTP delivery and streaming CDN Locations (marked with the "play" icon) also support Wowza based HTTP/RTMP/RTSP delivery.
  • Static asset is an image, CSS or JavaScript file, custom font, software package for download, etc.
  • To create a CDN Static Push or a CDN Video Push service you need to create a CDN storage first.
  • To create a CDN HTTP Live service you need to create a Publishing Point first.
  • For the CDN Video Pull / Push and the CDN Live service SSL (HTTPS) is enabled automatically. To enable SSL for the CDN Static Pull / Push service please refer to Creating CDN services with an SSL enabled.

What next?

Read about the following topics.

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