Your email contacts


The following email contacts are used in our CDN dashboard. You can view and edit them on the Billing/Settings page.

Primary email

  • It is used as username for login to our CDN dashboard.
  • It is used as default username for login to our Helpdesk Dashboard.
  • It receives all email notifications.
  • It is an ID of your account in our system.
  • It can not be changed.

Technical contacts

It is a list of email contacts that you want to receive technical notifications, e.g. a confirmation that a new CDN service has been created.

Billing contacts

It is a list of email contacts that you want to receive notifications regarding money and payments, e.g. your credit balance updates.

Your Email Contacts

Company email

It is an address detail of your company. It is not used for notifications.

Company phone

It is a backup contact for two factor authentication and it is an address detail of your company. It is not used for notifications.

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Read about the following topics.

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