How can I upgrade my CDN pricing plan?

Minimum traffic spent monthly

Your pricing plan is upgraded automatically when your traffic in some month reaches the minimum traffic spent monthly limit of a higher plan than your current one. Please refer to the Pricing page for more details.


Let's assume that your pricing plan is BUSINESS. At the moment when your traffic in some month (e.g. January) reaches 2.00 TB (i.e. the minimum traffic spent monthly limit required for PREMIUM pricing plan) your pricing plan is automatically upgraded to PREMIUM.

What if I spend less traffic than minimum?

If you spend less traffic than the minimum traffic spent monthly limit of your current pricing plan in two consecutive months then your pricing plan is downgraded back to the pricing plan corresponding to your traffic in the last month.


Let's assume that your pricing plan has been upgraded from BUSINESS to PREMIUM during January. If your traffic in February and March will be below 2.00 TB (i.e. the minimum traffic spent monthly limit required for PREMIUM pricing plan) in each month then your pricing plan will be downgraded back to BUSINESS at the end of March.

How much do I pay monthly?

There is no monthly fee for using our content delivery network services, they are pure pay as you go, so if you deliver 0 B monthly then you pay $0 monthly. Some add-ons such as CDN Storage and Custom Cloud SSL are charged monthly.

So how much do I pay?

If you don't have a CDNsun account yet and you are unsure what will be your CDN costs then simply try our free trial and after 30 days for free you will have the best estimate of your CDN costs.

What next?

Read more about Pay As You Go (PAYG) Content Delivery Network.

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