Create a CDN Live service with Push Publishing
- Please refer to Creating a CDN Live service for more details.
- Let's assume that your CDN Live service has the following properties (please refer to Services/How-To).
- FMS URL - rtmp://
- Username - P217921468
- Password - Kmx7s14We
Enable CDN Live service in Wirecast
- Connect your video input devices (for example camera) to your computer and run Wirecast.
- Click on the camera icon and add your live streaming source.
- Click on the broadcast icon in the upper left corner to add your CDN Live service.
- Fill in the Broadcast Address rtmp://
as in the picture below.
- Fill in your stream name.
- Click the Set Credentials button and fill in your Username P217921468 and your Password Kmx7s14We.
- As for the other options we recommend to use Wirecast/FM 1.0 as the User Agent because of its good compatibility with browsers.
- Continue to player integration instructions.