Open Broadcaster CDN integration

Create a CDN Live service with Push Publishing

  1. Please refer to Creating a CDN Live service for more details.
  2. Let's assume that your CDN Live service has the following properties (please refer to Services/How-To).
    • FMS URL - rtmp://
    • Username - P217921468
    • Password - Kmx7s14We

Enable CDN Live service in Open Broadcaster

  1. In the Open Broadcaster top menu click on "Settings/Settings".
  2. Click on "Broadcast Settings". Fill in your FMS URL rtmp:// Choose your stream name and fill it into the "Play Path/Stream Key (if any)" field as in the picture below.
    Open Broadcaster Set Stream
  3. Click on "OK".
  4. In the top menu go to "Settings/Open Configuration Folder".
  5. Open your profile .ini file and under the [Publish] section add the Username P217921468 and the Password Kmx7s14We.
  6. On the Open Broadcaster main screen click on "Global Sources...".
  7. Click on "Add" and choose your desired source as in the picture below.
    Open Broadcaster Set Source
  8. Click on "OK".
  9. On the Open Broadcaster main screen, right click on the empty field "Sources" and add your source as in the picture below.
    Open Broadcaster Set Sources
  10. On the Open Broadcaster main screen click on "Start Streaming".
  11. Continue to player integration instructions.

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