Improving CDN performance

Please note that the following applies to Static and Static Push CDN services only, not to Video, Video Push and Live CDN services.

Set Query String to Ignore

Please refer to Setting a Query String - ignore or accept for more details.

Set Set-Cookie to Ignore

Please refer to Setting a Set-Cookie - ignore or accept for more details.

Set Cache Expiry Time to far future

Please refer to Setting a Cache Expiry Time for more details.

Other Performance Tips

Reduce the file size of your images

Reduce the file size of your images and save on your CDN traffic and improve the performance. Visit the TinyPNG website for an on-line example of a compression tool.

Minify CSS and JavaScript files

Minify CSS and JavaScript files and save on your CDN traffic and improve the performance. Visit the CSS Minifier and the JavaScript Minifier websites for on-line examples of minifying tools.

Reduce the number of HTTP requests

Reduce the number of HTTP requests needed to load your web pages and improve the performance. For example use image sprites instead of single images. Visit the W3Schools website for an introduction to image sprites.

Make use of HTTP/2

Integrate your CDN service over the SSL secured https:// scheme to make use of the new and faster HTTP/2 protocol.

Test performance with Service Identifier

Test the performance with Service Identifier instead of Service Domain. In some cases it can help you to lower your DNS lookup time. Please refer to Services/How-To for your Service Identifier and your Service Domain.

Analyze with performance optimization tools

Please visit the GTmetrix, WebPagetest and Pingdom websites for on-line performance optimization tools.

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