Publishing media


To publish a media via our hosted player you need the following.

Media & CDN service

  • Video file - a video file can be streamed via a CDN Static or CDN Static Push service using pseudo streaming or via a CDN Video or CDN Video Push service using true streaming. We recommend to use pseudo streaming. Read more about differences between true streaming and pseudo streaming here.
  • HLS on-demand stream - an HLS on-demand stream or any other HTTP on-demand stream can be streamed via a CDN Static or CDN Static Push service. Read more about it here.
  • RTMP live stream - an RTMP live stream can be streamed via a CDN Live service. Read more about it here.
  • HLS live stream - an HLS live stream or any other HTTP live stream can be streamed via a CDN Static service. Read more about it here.

Media content

On the Services/Media/Content page link your media (Media Path) with your CDN service as in the picture below.

Create Media Content

Media player

On the Services/Media/Player page create a player template as in the picture below.

Create Media Player

Publish media

Finally on the Services/Media/Publish page select your media content and media player and click on the Publish Media button as in the picture below.

Publish Media

Missing some features?

Please let us know via the support form below.

What next?

Test pseudo streaming in JW Player.

Contact Us

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