Limit CDN service usage


You can enable custom traffic and/or costs usage limits for your CDN services. Both limits are on a monthly basis.

How to enable usage limits

You can enable usage limits during CDN service creation (in advanced settings) or on the Services/Settings page. To enable traffic limit first select "Enabled" from the "Limit Traffic" select box and then set your limit in gigabytes (GB) as in the picture below.

Enable and Set Traffic Limit

How usage limits work

If one or both limits are exceeded then the corresponding CDN service is suspended and an email is sent to your primary email address (with CC to your administrative email addresses, please refer to Billing/Settings for more details).


Let's assume that you have enabled traffic limit of 100 GB for your CDN service. At the moment when the CDN service traffic usage in the current month exceeds 100 GB then the CDN service is suspended.


Let's assume that you have enabled costs limit of 10 USD for your CDN service. At the moment when the CDN service costs usage in the current month exceeds 10 USD then the CDN service is suspended.

Please note that the usage limits are checked every hour.

Automatic unsuspend

Automatic unsuspend feature automatically unsuspends your CDN service (and sends an email to you) if none of its enabled limits are exceeded. Please refer to the new month example below for more details. To enable automatic unsuspend feature please select "Enabled" from the "Automatic Unsuspend" select box as in the picture below.

Enable Automatic Unsuspend

Example - new month

Let's assume that you have enabled traffic limit of 100 GB for your CDN service and that on June 15 the CDN service exceeded 100 GB and it has been suspended. On July 1 the CDN service traffic usage in the current month will be 0 GB. If the automatic unsuspend feature is enabled then the CDN service will be automatically unsuspended.


Let's assume that you have enabled traffic limit of 100 GB for your CDN service and that on June 15 the CDN service exceeded 100 GB and it has been suspended. If you will increase the traffic limit to 200 GB then the CDN service will be automatically unsuspended.

Please note that the usage limits are checked every hour. Also please note that you can unsuspend your CDN services anytime on the Servcies/Settings page.

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