Get CDN Live service(s) details




Curl example

curl -i -X GET -u username:password -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-type: application/json' --url '[/ID]'


OptionData TypeDescription
IDintegerCDN service ID.
statusstringCDN service status.
service_typestringCDN service type.
service_domainstringIndicates the domain name for customized streaming CDN URLs.
publishingstringIndicates type of publishing - Pull or Push.
origin_urlstringIndicates the origin RTMP URL for Pull publishing.
origin_pop_idintegerIndicates the integer ID of the Origin PoP for Push publishing.
service_identifierstringReady-to-use domain which serves CDN content.
failover_origin_urlstringIndicates the failover origin RTMP URL for Pull publishing.
failover_origin_pop_idintegerIndicates the integer ID of the Failover Origin PoP for Push publishing.
usernamestringUsername for Push publishing.
passwordstringPassword for Push publishing.
location_idsarrayThe integer ID(s) of subscribed CDN Locations.

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