Create CDN Static Push service




Curl example

curl -i -X POST -u username:password -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-type: application/json' --url '' -d '{"cdn":{"service_type":"HTTP_PUSH","origin_storage_id":2,"service_domain":""}}'


OptionData TypeDescriptionExampleKnown ValuesNote
service_type*stringSpecify the CDN service type.HTTP_PUSHHTTP_PUSH 
service_domain*stringSpecify the domain name for customized CDN URLs. Please note that a subdomain of "" will also be assigned to the CDN Specify the following fourth-level domain name to create a CDN service with Shared SSL enabled: "" where replace ONEWORD with your desired name.
origin_storage_id*integerSpecify the integer ID of the Origin Storage. It is the source of origin content for the CDN service.2  
ssl_onbooleanEnable or disable Shared SSL.falsefalse, trueIf the Service Domain is of the format "" then Shared SSL will be enabled automatically. To enable Shared SSL add "" to the end of the service_domain parameter and set ssl_on parameter to true. To disable Shared SSL remove "" from the end of the service_domain parameter and set ssl_on parameter to false.
cache_expiryintegerFor how long (minutes) should CDN edge servers cache your content.21601, 2, 3, 5, 10, 30, 60, 240, 720, 1440, 2160, 2880, 4320, 5760, 7200, 8640, 10800, 11520, 12960, 14400, 21600, 28800, 36000, 43200 
url_signing_onbooleanProtect your CDN content from unwanted downloads.falsefalse, true 
proxy_cache_keystringSpecify the CDN cache key.$host$uri$host$request_uri, $host$uri 
mp4_pseudo_onbooleanWhether MP4 Pseudo Streaming is enabled or disabled.truetrue, false 
flv_pseudo_onbooleanWhether FLV Pseudo Streaming is enabled or disabled.truetrue, false 
ignore_set_cookie_onbooleanWhether Ignore Set-Cookie is enabled or disabled.truetrue, false 
block_crawlers_onbooleanWhether Block Search Engine Crawlers is enabled or disabled.truetrue, false 
secondary_service_domainsarraySecondary Service Domains.[,] Specify up to 7 Secondary Service Domains.
location_idsarraySpecify the integer ID(s) of subscribed CDN Locations.[1, 2]  

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