CDN usage reports


We provide a wide variety of CDN usage reports.


Reports of your bandwidth (you need to be logged in to access this page), traffic and costs. Please refer to Get CDN service reports for a documentation of API access to reports and for a detailed description of reports.

Live reports

The most recent reports of your bandwidth, traffic and concurrent viewers (the latter for streaming CDN services only). Please refer to Get CDN service live reports for a documentation of API access to live reports and for a detailed description of live reports.

Real time reports

Real time reports of your top files served via CDN. Please refer to Real time reports for more details.

Advanced reports

Reports of cache utilization and HTTP status codes of your static CDN services. Please refer to Advanced reports for more details.

Raw logs

For all CDN services we provide raw access logs. Please refer to Raw access logs for more details.

Differences between Data Cached and Data Non-Cached

You may have noticed that there are two types of data in our reports - Data Cached and Data Non-Cached. For example the following chart can be seen when you purge content from your CDN service.

Data cached vs data non-cached

Data Cached

Data Cached represents data requested by your end-users and served from the CDN cache.

Data Non-Cached

Data Non-Cached represents data requested by your end-users which were missing in the CDN cache. Please note that the data was automatically pulled from the origin server by the corresponding CDN edge server, then served to your end-user and then probably (see below) stored in the CDN cache.

Cache Hit Ratio

Cache Hit Ratio represents the following ratio in percents.

Data Cached / (Data Cached + Data Non-Cached)


Streaming CDN service

If you have a Wowza based streaming CDN service (CDN Video, CDN Video Push or CDN Live) then all traffic is counted as Data Non-Cached by design of our reports. In the case of CDN Video and CDN Video Push services your videos are cached on CDN edge servers but still the traffic is (by design) counted as Data Non-Cached. Please refer here for more details.

Please note that all remaining examples apply only to CDN Static and CDN Static Push services.

New origin content

When you add new content to the origin then it is missing in the CDN cache. If it is requested by your end-users via a CDN URL (or you prefetch it) then as explained above the content is automatically pulled from the origin server by the corresponding CDN edge server and then served to your end-users. Based on HTTP headers received from the origin server the content is or is not stored in the CDN cache (on edge server SSD drives) for subsequent requests. In this case the traffic from the CDN edge server to your end-users is counted as Data Non-Cached and the traffic from the origin server to the CDN edge server is not displayed in our reports and is free of charge.

Expired CDN content

When your content in the CDN cache expires (or if you purge it) then it is missing in the CDN cache and the situation is exactly the same as in the "New origin content" example above.

Redirect on Origin Domain

Let's assume that your Origin Domain ( redirects (3xx response code) to some other domain (for example to Please note that in this case your CDN service will redirect to as well. It is expected behavior because CDN (by design) "mirrors" origin responses but it is typically not what you want because requests via CDN URLs will be served from your server via and you will not be using CDN at all. This traffic is counted as Data Non-Cached. Please note that to solve the "redirect problem" you need to make sure that your Origin Domain returns only 200 HTTP response codes.

Caching disabled on origin

Caching can be completely disabled on the origin server using cache control HTTP headers. In this case all traffic is counted as Data Non-Cached.

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